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R&B Insurance Solutions LLC

Umbrella Insurance

Many types of insurance coverage are available to help protect you from the many unexpected events that can befall you. Sometimes, however, these policies are exhausted. What happens, then? At R&B Insurance Solutions LLC, serving Oklahoma, we can help you with umbrella insurance coverage for the truly unexpected in life.

What Is Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance is a unique type of insurance policy that will kick in and pay in instances when other policies have been exhausted. For example, if you have damage to your home, but the damage exceeds the amount on your home policy, an umbrella policy could help pay for the additional expenses.

Who Needs Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance can benefit anyone, but it is often recommended for people with a large amount of assets, savings, or investments they wish to protect. It is also a good idea for business owners who may face unique liability situations that could harm their business.

How Much Coverage Do I Need?

Umbrella policies can be highly customizable. The best way to understand how much coverage you need is to sit with an insurance expert to discuss your situation. This professional will be able to evaluate your assets and your liability risks and help you determine a good umbrella policy for your situation.

What If I Don't Have Umbrella Insurance?

If you choose not to carry umbrella coverage, you may find yourself facing devastating expenses if a claim event exhausts one of your other types of policies.

If you want to learn more about umbrella insurance or any of our other services, please get in touch with us at R&B Insurance Solutions LLC, serving Oklahoma. We will be happy to answer your questions today and help you find the perfect policy.

Partner Carriers

  • Allstate
  • American Modern
  • CNA
  • Cornerstone
  • Encompass
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Openly
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers